UKHSA collect environmental samples from terrestrial and aquatic environment.
UKHSA is a leading, independent UK, radiochemical analysis service with state-of-the-art facilities, providing tests for a very wide range of radioactivity analysis.
We offer a complete service including Radioactive Source leak tests on customer premises, laboratory assessment and leak test certificates.
UKHSA can provide a range of services and advice on contaminated land issues.
UKHSA undertakes bio-monitoring of tritium and metals in urine and faeces.
We provide independent radioanalytical testing on a wide range of environmental materials.
UKHSA has the capability to collect and analyse air samples for routine monitoring or following an unexpected release of radioactive material.
UKHSA can analyse wastes and effluents to provide assessment of activities before disposal.
UKHSA can provide full analytical support for customers who have to handle NORM material.