IMBA (Integrated Modules for Bioassay Analysis) is a suite of software modules for internal dosimetry which implements the old recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP Publication 60) and all the biokinetic and dosimetric models for the Reference Worker (ICRP Publication 68). IMBA is a legacy suite of software which is not going to be developed further.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has taken over the distribution of IMBA worldwide (excluding Europe) through their RAMP programme, under licence from UKHSA. For all sales outside Europe, please contact the new distributor at:

Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (RAMP)

Technical requirements

IMBA requires a windows system with 200 MB of free disk space and administration rights are required for installation to a local disk. IMBA is currently supported on: Windows XP (32-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit), and Windows 10 (32 & 64-bit).

IMBA versions

IMBA is available in three standard versions, IMBALite, IMBAPlus, and IMBAPro which consist of a Base Unit and increase in functionality. IMBALite provides the core functionality of IMBA which enables the user to perform basic internal dosimetry calculations, while IMBAPlus and IMBAPro provide more advanced functionality to meet the needs of internal dose specialists and researchers.

  • The Base Unit enables users to:

    • Assess an intake from bioassay measurement data
    • Calculate bioassay quantities at different times from a specified intake
    • Calculate equivalent organ doses and effective dose from a single intake
  • IMBALite includes a comprehensive list of 75 radionuclides, previously implemented in the Base Unit, and further 665 radionuclides, previously implemented within Additional Radionuclide Packs 1 and 2

  • IMBAPlus comes pre-packaged with a selection of the most commonly requested Add-Ons, while IMBAPro includes all available add-on functionality to provide a powerful tool for the most demanding of users:

  • IMBAPlus IMBAPro
    IMBA Lite functionality + IMBA Plus functionality +
    Multiple Intake Regimes Errors on Intake
    Multiple Bioassay Types Bayes Implementation
    Associated Radionuclides Tritium Tool
    Uranium Mixtures Compensation Type Calculations
    Uptake from Wounds Ingrowth of Americium
      Statistics Package
      Candu Models

    For more information on the IMBA version functionality, and the correlation to earlier IMBA version add-ons, please find the 'IMBA Information Sheet' document on the 'Resources' page.