UKHSA is the UK's primary authority carrying out world-leading research to advance knowledge about protection from the risks of radiation. The Agency combines public health and scientific knowledge, research and emergency planning within one organisation - and works at international, national, regional and local levels.

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The organisation is a recognised RPA Body and is referred to by leading bodies including the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The UKHSA has teams of highly experienced staff throughout the UK, based at Chilton, Leeds and Glasgow, providing nationwide coverage and rapid response.

All our staff are very highly trained and benefit from continuous professional development. UKHSA makes a significant investment in its people and prides itself that this is repaid in the quality of the service it delivers. The UKHSA has a long-held reputation for its pioneering research & development work with many patents to its credit.

  • World leading radiation protection consultancy Collaborative project, full service R&D consultancy or part-project, specialist support? However challenging your case, UKHSA is powerfully placed to deliver robust initial response and comprehensive support over time.
  • Emergency planning and response Radiological assessment of consequences of releases; strategies for early emergency response; public protection issues and probabilistic risk assessment.
  • Post-accident recovery Remediation and contaminated land strategies- including post-accident recovery in inhabited and agricultural areas and other contamination issues.

  • Controlled release impact assessment Radiological impact of controlled radionuclide release. Recommendations for protection for releases subject to regulatory control.
  • Dangerous good safety advice Transport, including assessments and advice relating to international and national regulations and arrangements for the transport of radioactive materials
  • Measurement and desk-based evaluations Environmental investigations, using measurements to investigate specific incidents. Experiments to underpin all aspects of the work. Desk-based evaluations.

  • Environmental surveillance Surveillance, through measurements of concentrations of radionuclides in environmental samples. The development of supporting modelling/tools for regulatory and other surveillance purposes.
  • Solid Waste Management Radiological aspects of solid waste management and disposal, for both nuclear and non-nuclear industries.
  • Exposure studies General and specific studies, assessing public and worker exposure to ionising radiation from a wide range of situations, .