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Stephen has over 13 years' experience as a Radiation Protection Scientist at UKHSA and its predecessors. As head of the Cytogenetics Group and the Chromosome Dosimetry Service, Stephen's main field of research is radiation biodosimetry - using the cytogenetic (cellular and chromosomal) effects of ionising radiation to estimate individual doses. The service is further underpinned by Stephen and his colleagues' studies into the cytogenetic effects of ionising radiation and statistical methods to support research and development, and Stephen also has an interest in wider radiation protection, particularly whole-body radiation effects and radiation cataractogenesis. Stephen is an experienced laboratory cytogeneticist with a particular interest in early radiation-induced DNA damage and repair using response markers including ƴH2AX and 53BP1. Stephen is part of the team of scientists carrying out biological dosimetry in the laboratory and its subsequent analysis. Stephen has been instrumental in carrying out UKHSA's work on a number of recent projects, taking responsibility for UKHSA's gamma-H2AX assay work for MULTIBIODOSE, EU FP7 RENEB and the current NIH CMCR RTGene and NIHR HPRU projects focused on biomarkers of exposure and effect for radiotherapy patients.
Stephen gained his PhD investigating early lens changes in response to ionising radiation leading to radiation induced cataracts, in association with Durham University.