Our courses are taught to a high standard. Learning is further supported by comprehensively equipped training venues and, reference quality printed course information. Courses include a combination of presentations, demonstrations and exercises. Discussion and interaction are always encouraged; lunch times and breaks are a great opportunity to chat with fellow students and presenters. Everything is done to give students a detailed understanding and competency in the skills being taught.
The scheduled courses are normally run at our purpose built training centre in Chilton (Oxfordshire) although UKHSA also has facilities in Leeds and Glasgow. The day usually begins at about 9am and ends at around 5pm, with buffet lunch and tea/coffee provided. A nominated course manager oversees the running of each course and remains on hand throughout to deal with queries that arise.
Training courses can be created individually and delivered to meet your schedule. This approach is particularly effective for a large number of students or where discussion on company-specific issues is the focus of the training. Custom courses can be delivered onsite to minimise service disruption through staff downtime and can be delivered at short notice where training completion is business critical.