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Alongside the rapid progress of new technologies utilities sites now often have multiple source of non-ionising radiations. UKHSA's expert staff can provide assessments, training and advice all tailored specifically for non-experts, allowing you maximise business focus.
Are you confused about the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations? Are you unsure how to comply with the regulations? UKHSA's expert consultants can explain how the law affects your organisation and help you meet your legal duties.
Are emissions from mobile phone base stations or Wi-Fi a source of concern? UKHSA has very experienced surveyors who use the latest in sensitive measurement equipment. Our surveys can provide reassurance that people are not at risk.
Do you manufacture or use equipment emitting electromagnetic fields? Are you uncertain about the hazard or unclear about your responsibilities? UKHSA's expert consultants provide straightforward safety guidance to specialists and non-experts alike to help you understand and manage the risks.
It is often necessary to determine the extent of any fields emitted from a particular piece of equipment in order to ensure safe working. UKHSA has the capacity to determine field emission boundaries both using sophisticated software and through systematic measurements.
Employers have a duty under the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010 to manage the risks arising from exposure to optical radiation. As the author of the EU guide to the Directive behind these regulations, UKHSA is uniquely qualified to provide expert advice.