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UKHSA has long worked with the education sector, recognising that working at the cutting edge of research can present its own unique challenges. More recently with tools like the laser becoming more readily available outside of physics and engineering departments and with building space becoming more valuable, university Health and Safety departments increasingly have to deal with the entire spectrum of non-ionising radiation uses.
Are you confused about the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations? Are you unsure how to comply with the regulations? UKHSA's expert consultants can explain how the law affects your organisation and help you meet your legal duties.
Are emissions from mobile phone base stations or Wi-Fi a source of concern? UKHSA has very experienced surveyors who use the latest in sensitive measurement equipment. Our surveys can provide reassurance that people are not at risk.
Do you use lasers? Have you kept up with recent developments in legislation, standards, guidance and good practice? UKHSA has led the development of laser safety in the UK and internationally since 1974. Whatever your application, whatever your industry, our laser safety consultants give you access to this unrivalled knowledge and experience.
For more information please visit our Laser Protection Adviser Services page .
UKHSA works with clients in the research and development sector helping make products that are safe prior to release on to the market.
Our certificated Laser Protection Advisers can provide you with practical advice on all aspects of laser safety from engineering controls to safety documentation and training.
For more information please visit our Laser Protection Adviser Services page .
UKHSA can carry out assessments, make safety recommendations and help draft specific procedures to ensure safe practices wherever work takes place around energised systems.
UKHSA provides a suite of courses covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum and can run customised courses at your premises or at our dedicated training venues.