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The manufacturing sector has long utilised electromagnetic fields across the entire range of the spectrum, from simple uses such as power distribution to more complex induction heating or non-destructive testing utilising powerful ultraviolet or magnetic techniques -utilising such high power systems and developing new products brings unique challenges. UKHSA has as vast experience of helping industrial users in the past, have a look at some of the services tailored to this sector.
Are you confused about the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations? Are you unsure how to comply with the regulations? UKHSA's expert consultants can explain how the law affects your organisation and help you meet your legal duties.
Employees and members of the general public who have pacemakers or other active implantable medical devices (AIMDs) can be more susceptible to radiation hazards from electromagnetic fields. UKHSA can provide expert advice, guidance and surveying services.
Are fields from power distribution systems a source of concern? UKHSA's experienced surveyors can provide detailed mapping of electric and magnetic fields to help you manage exposures.
Do you manufacture or use equipment emitting electromagnetic fields? Are you uncertain about the hazard or unclear about your responsibilities? UKHSA's expert consultants provide straightforward safety guidance to specialists and non-experts alike to help you understand and manage the risks.
Concerns are often raised about working with unfamiliar equipment and installations. A compliance survey from UKHSA will help establish equipment safety.
UKHSA works with clients in the research and development sector helping make products that are safe prior to release on to the market.
Employers have a duty under the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010 to manage the risks arising from exposure to optical radiation. As the author of the EU guide to the Directive behind these regulations, UKHSA is uniquely qualified to provide expert advice.
Our certificated Laser Protection Advisers can provide you with practical advice on all aspects of laser safety from engineering controls to safety documentation and training.
For more information please visit our Laser Protection Adviser Services page .
UKHSA provides a suite of courses covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum and can run customised courses at your premises or at our dedicated training venues.