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In addition to the services delivered by the Medical Exposures Group (MEG) in UKHSA, the Radiotherapy team in association with the Patient Safety in Radiotherapy Steering Group produce a number of publications to support the community in learning from radiotherapy errors. These include the Safer Radiotherapy E-Bulletin series (previously the Safer Radiotherapy newsletter). These publications provide key messages from the patient safety initiative and learning from radiotherapy error (RTE) reports.
This work includes the collation, analysis and promulgation of learning from RTE reports by UKHSA. Anonymised RTE reports are currently submitted on a voluntary basis to promote learning and to minimise recurrence of these events. The reports are submitted through the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), Learning from Patient Safety Events System (LFPSE), Once for Wales Concerns Management Systems (Datix Cymru) or directly to UKHSA.
The Safer Radiotherapy e-Bulletin accompanies the Triannual RTE Analysis & Learning Report , designed to disseminate learning from RTE to professionals in the RT community to positively influence local practice and improve patient safety.
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Safer Radiotherapy newsletters published prior to June 2020 can be viewed here: k-hub