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UKHSA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.
UKHSA delivers radiological assessment consultancy services, training, expert information and advice and products.
The Medical Exposures Group (MEG) in UKHSA is a multi-disciplinary group of clinically trained and experienced staff from each of the radiological modalities: Diagnostic Imaging (DI), Nuclear Medicine (NM) and Radiotherapy (RT).
Across the UK, ionising radiation is increasingly used within many patient pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions. The clear benefits from exposure to ionising radiation need to be weighed against the associated risks.
Medical exposures include those undertaken as part of diagnosis, treatment, health screening programmes, individual health assessments, research and for non-medical purposes e.g. insurance claims, emigration, employment etc.
MEG is tasked with improving patient safety in medical exposures through:
Liaison with professional organisations
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Medical Radiation Liaison Group (MRLG)
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Regulations setting out a framework to protect patients from the hazards associated with medical exposure to ionising radiation
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One of the biggest advances in modern medicine has been the use of medical imaging to help diagnose and treat patients. Most people will have some form of medical imaging in their lifetime, some of which use radiation. This leaflet informs patients about the benefits of different types of medical imaging as well as the radiation risks. Printing instructions are here
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