Dental Practices in the United Kingdom

Price per report
£ 200 Details  Contact us
Appointment of UKHSA as RPA and MPE with review, advice, documentation and assistance. Hard copy RP file.
£ 850 Details  Contact us
Appointment of UKHSA as RPA and MPE with review, advice, documentation and assistance. On-line e-RP file.
£ 750 Details  Contact us
Price per X-ray unit/pack
£ 155 Details  Contact us
Price per X-ray unit
£ 1,050 Details  Contact us

Prices exclude VAT

* Practice visits which are more than 150 miles away from either of UKHSA's offices in Leeds and Chilton may be subject to an extra charge to cover travel costs; if you fall into this category we will contact you with a quotation before arranging the site visit.

To help you calculate the overall cost

David Brown has a dental practice with 1 intra-oral and 1 panoramic X-ray set installed three years ago and has not had any radiological assessments since. The total cost (inclusive of VAT) during the 3 years would be:

1 x 3 year Dental RPA Contract (e-RP file) =£1020 (paid at outset)
2 x Equipment Assessments =£372 (paid when required)
Total charge for 3 years =£1392

Corporate dental practices

Prices exclude VAT