UKHSA is the UK's primary authority on chemical, radiation and environmental hazards, carrying out research to advance the knowledge about protection and prevention from the risks they present.
UKHSA invests in discovering and developing prospects, to bring about the maximal impact possible from their work. We aim to facilitate the transfer of our distinctive knowledge and capability to industry, government and the public. The UKHSA is 'open for business' and can offer access to the world-class expertise, facilities and intellectual property assets.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is responsible for planning, preventing and responding to external health threats, and providing intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at national and local level, as well as on the global stage. UKHSA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.
As the UK's primary authority on radiation protection, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) represents a significant nationwide resource for industry, education, research and medicine.
Specific functions of UKHSA are to carry out research to advance knowledge about protection from the risks of radiation; to provide laboratory and technical services; to run training courses; to provide expert information; and to fulfil a significant advisory role to regulators, government, the public and others.
In 2003 the Health and Safety Executive recognised UKHSA (then HPA) as the UK's first Radiation Protection Adviser Body which was reaffirmed in 2008. UKHSA is now recognised by HSE as an RPA body under IRR17. Our expertise is also acknowledged worldwide with contributions to international bodies such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
UKHSA is the foremost point of reference in the UK for radiation protection in dentistry and has been influential in setting national standards. DXPS has provided independent advice and a range of services to the dental profession and trades for more than forty years. This work has resulted in the accumulation of extensive experience and a good understanding of the radiation protection issues that you have to deal with during the course of your work. On this basis we have been able to develop a comprehensive made-to-measure RPA/MPE service for dentists; currently taken up by some 2500 dental practices.
UKHSA provides an RPA service recognised in the United Kingdom by the Health and Safety Executive and in the Republic of Ireland by the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (EPA). UKHSA staff are recognised as Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) by the Department of Health. Between them our staff have many years of experience in the technical performance of dental X-ray equipment; and in providing radiation protection advice tailored to dental practices and dental trade companies. All staff are suitably trained and benefit from continuous professional development. UKHSA makes a significant investment in its staff and takes pride that this is reflected in the quality of service it delivers.
For publications which are key to the use of X-ray sets in dental practices click here for Resources.
We provide a complete range of radiation protection services including: