As chromosome analysis is a medical test, UKHSA staff are required to receive formal requests for analysis from an appropriate doctor, who should also be able to arrange for the blood to be taken by a trained person. In the case of a potential overexposure in an occupational setting, this would ideally be the company's occupational health doctor, but it could be the employee's own family physician. The official report will then be returned to the medical doctor, who will report the results to the individual. Please note that if the overexposure occurred in an occupational setting and thus Regulation 25 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 applies, the responsible medic should also discuss these results with the appropriate HSE Radiation Specialist, Health Physics Assessor or Medical Inspector.
UKHSA can of course provide advice to anyone about the suitability of chromosome analysis on a case-by-case basis. If an over exposure is suspected, please contact us to discuss the particular circumstances. We are not clinical doctors and cannot comment on medical history, but we will advise and reassure based on our understanding of the science.
Blood samples for analysis may be sent to the UKHSA Chemical, Radiation and Environmental Hazards at Chilton from anywhere in the world.
A charge per analysis is made for the standard dicentric assay or for the FISH translocation assay.
Contact us to discuss case specific analyses and pricing